Saturday, August 21, 2010

For the LOVE of GOD

LOVE - Never Fails

Meaning of Love

If you are looking for love, would you recognize it if you found it?
Can you tell the difference between love and infatuation?
Between love and attraction?
Between love and sexual desire?
Between love and friendship?
Between sex and intimacy?
Between a good relationship and one that is only pleasurable?
The Meaning of Love offers and explains a definition of love in a way that is interesting, intense, clear, logical, and meaningful. All relationships --love, infatuation, friendship, dating, marriage, family, community, and professional-- involve three key elements:
      Emotions --how we feel about each other Ethics --how good or bad we are for each other Joys --how much we satisfy or dissatisfy each other
These determine the quality of our relationships; and The Meaning of Love explains how they interrelate, and why attraction --the normally considered most important emotional element and conventional hallmark of love-- is not sufficient to signify a relationship as one of love, no matter how strong or how enduring that attraction may be.

Anbe Sivam ( Love is God )

It must be understood that true love reflects the totality of goodness. Absolute goodness resides in God alone and is shared by Him with those who have sincerely sought association with Him. When one honestly seeks out God one is looking for that fullness of truth found only in God. A fullness of truth that few have any real desire to put into practice. Those who eventually reach Heaven have all truth present to them and can utilize any truth they seek, but they remain incapable of possessing at any given time the totality of truth. 

God is love and love is shed upon those who seek knowledge of required truths that lead to the practice of justice in respect for the goodness of God. A greater appreciation of God can be obtained by meditating upon the qualities or attributes of God. Anyone who pursues truth and practices justice is loved by God, that is, comes under the umbrella of that love which can be received from God alone. For those who do not pursue goodness, through the seeking of truth and the practice of justice, God is for them anger, hatred and wrath.

God, being love, has the perfection of that love which is goodness. He sheds Light (knowledge) upon those who seek truth and then put the acquired truths into practice (justice - good works versus misdeeds or indifference). One who truly loves God will act in a way that demonstrates a sincere love of God. One must give God sincere worship and humble himself before Jesus. Service to Jesus is through placing into action spiritual knowledge that has been obtained. A major part of learning is focused upon love of neighbor. The simple way to accomplish this is to put into practice the Golden Rule, that is, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." The corporal and spiritual works of mercy are of major importance in relation to serving others in this life in the service of almighty God.